A free-spirited fashion and lifestyle blog

Eagle Street Rooftop Farm

When gangstas retire they dream of boats, hoes and boat drinks. Eagle street rooftop farm is what I dream off. The New York city farmers tend to 6,000 square feet of organic roof vegetables and mother an extensive bee keep. Perhaps I won’t be hijacking a local warehouse to start my own vigilante vegetable growing this summer, but at least these photos from theSelby have inspired me to start planting some delicious seeds.

Today I am Coveting: Charlotte Olympia

The day Miss Olympia dreamed up her velvet kitty slippers I’m sure she had me in mind.  My weekend project shall be creating my own.

MSGM Pre Fall 2012

By far and away the most individual lookbook I have stumbled across in a long time.  I want the gloves, I want the glasses, I want the shoes and I need the metallic silver skirt. Job well done MSGM!

Family Affairs Lookbook: Spring/Summer 2012

Peaceandlovechild summer WISHLIST

Playsuit: £35 Topshop

Floral drop back shirt: £32 Topshop

Scarf print shorts: £30 Topshop

Leather T-bar shoes: £55 Topshop

Sunglasses: £7.99 H&M

Wedges: £39.99 H&M

I’m heading to bennicasim this summer and I’m so excited. These are some of the things I hope to be wearing in sunny Spain….I can see this wishlist getting bigger and bigger as July draws closer.

Lookbook: Ragged Priest

A lookbook that is both adorable and badass at the same time, Ragged Priest wins it for me. I have been so obsessed with this brand recently I even created my own RP influenced shorts over the weekend. Just in time for todays sunshine 🙂

Sunday Treasures: Handbags and Butterflies

Like most thrifty girls of the world, charity shopping is like end of the week therapy for me.This weeks trip was partically wonderful, not only because I found some a – class bargains, but also because I got to spend some much needed time with a good friend. As I am especially proud of my savy finds this week, I thought I’d share some of them with you.

 Do you have any Sunday traditions? Or, have you trifted something extra special recently?? I’d love to see it!

Juliette Lewis for Bullet Magazine

Juliette showing us everyone’s a Harry Potter fan. Read the full article here:


From Somewhere: Spring/Summer 2012

How perfect are these summer dresses ‘From Somewhere’?!

The principle behind this label seeks to answer a simple question: What happens to the fashion industry’s waste? – The answer is the bin, then landfills and then the incineraters. It is extremely wasteful and destructive, afterall ours is a precious earth. Luckily, From Somewhere creates sustinable fashion from these luxury designer cut offs, unwanted, discarded but still perfectly good.

Beautiful, poetic, and ethical.

Check out more of this gorgeous summer collection here: 


A Unif Daydream: Spring 2012

How gorgeous are these dreamy shoots from fashion label Unif’s spring collection? This is how I am dreaming of summer.